Ronald de Vries
Managing Director at FloorganiseRonald de Vries is Managing Director and co-Owner of Floorganise. His professional experience as a chartered controller and his academic business administration background bridged the gap between top management, the office and shop floor within shipyards.
Sponsored by Floorganise, a key SSI partner
Shipbuilding, shop floor management, integrated planning, manufacturing execution system, and MES services.
All Sessions by Ronald de Vries
Day 1 - Oct 23
10/23/2024 8:00 am
Day 2 - Oct 24
10/24/2024 8:00 am
Day 3 - Sep 26
09/26/2024 8:00 am
Day 2 - Sep 25
09/25/2024 8:00 am
Day 1 - Sep 24
09/24/2024 8:00 am