SSI Learning: Accelerating Onboarding with Comprehensive Training Resources - SSI Conference

If you’re struggling with workforce shortages or talent turnover, SSI Learning offers the perfect solution for building foundational shipbuilding and software knowledge efficiently. Discover how Nexus and SSI Learning offers comprehensive shipbuilding theory training tied to essential software concepts. We’ll guide you through a structured training path starting with the Modern Shipbuilding Design Course and progressing to Certified Training for specific disciplines, helping both new and experienced employees deepen their expertise. This presentation will showcase the breadth and depth of learning content within Nexus, from the Modern Shipbuilding Design Course and Certified Training to the Upgrade Navigator, news feeds, and release pages. You’ll learn how these resources can help department heads and managers onboard new employees quickly while keeping experienced staff up-to-date with the latest tools and workflows.

Danielle Pinksen

Training Coordinator, SSI

Presentation Slides


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